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Maine Racin' done in '50s, '60s & '70s Style
Wicked Good will be at the Auburn Mall in Auburn Maine starting February 27th cars in the parking lot around 6pm to March 2nd 2025 removing cars around 3pm
, let your Division Director kmow if you are interested in bring a car
The next general meeting will be on March 2nd 2025 at Governors in Waterville at 10am,
there will be a board meeting at 9am prior to the March 2nd general meeting
Contact us by email or message us on FaceBook - Wicked Good Vintage Association
Memberships are currently available to those with an interest in the restoration, construction or racing of vintage automobiles.
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES are $25.00 include one driver and their Family due in December each year.
To join in the fun, click the become a member link to the right. Complete & print the application form and mail with your dues to the address printed on the form.
If you have any questions or have difficulties with the form, please use the contact us link or call Nick Overlock at (207) 691-8280 for more information.
Thank you and Welcome...we hope to see you soon!
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